К. Э. Циолковский

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SVOEVP / SHPDETC is designed to improve results of the GLONASS system and its signals performance.
SVOEVP / SHPDETC provides the following information
1. Official information of the GLONASS System Control Center (SCC) on the GLONASS constellation status (.pdf) and planned changes in the system. Archive of all the changes made starting from the Launching date of the first GLONASS SC (.pdf / .jpg). Official information on the planned second correction inputs into the GLONASS time scale and the data archive (starting from «Glonass-M» SC).

2. GLONASS Digital Information (DI) collected by monitoring stations in the last 24 hours and transferred by means of navigation messages:
- system almanac transferred in signals L1, L2, L3 (SP) including the starting and stopping times of almanac replacement;
- up-to-date digital information transferred in signals L1, L2, L3 (SP);
- Earth’s rotation parameters used for calculating DI of ephemerides and formation of corresponding DI parameters in signals L1, L2, L3 (SP);
- parameters of ionosphere model included in DI and transferred via signal L3 (SP);
- time correction of GLONASS and GPS.
3. Official provision of a posteriori ephemeris and time and heliogeophysical information of GLONASS SVOEVP / SHPDETC generated for users to improve their tasks performance in a posteriori mode (quick, preliminary, final):
- a posteriori ephemeris and time information:
1) included in up-to-date DI (word length is unlimited) of GLONASS;
2) included in the tabular data, taking into consideration peculiarities of ephemeris and time information (ETI) distribution according to the GLONASS Interface Control Document (ICD);
3) included in the tabular data in formats and structure accepted in the IGS analysis centers;
- a posteriori time information:
1) included in the tabular data, taking into consideration peculiarities of the time data distribution in the GLONASS ICD DI;
2) included in the tabular data in formats and structure accepted in the IGS analysis centers;
- a posteriori heliogeophysical information:
a) параметров для учёта рефракции в ионосфере:
1) parameters for enumeration of refraction in the ionosphere;
2) included in the tabular data in formats and structure accepted in the IGS analysis centers;
b) parameters for enumeration of refraction in the troposphere in formats and structure accepted in the IGS analysis centers;
c) actual solar activity indexes;
d) a posteriori parameters of Earth’s rotation.
4. Official provision of stations catalogue PZ-90.02 and measurements provided for them for distribution of State Geocentric Reference Frame (SGRF) PZ-90.02.

5. Provision of services for users:
a) time calculation included in the GLONASS DI;
b) time calculation included in the GPS DI;
c) provision of the archive of measurements processed in SVOEVP / SHPDETC.
6. Provision of services for accredited and real users:
a) GLONASS status update information in the form of bulletins (daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly);
b) determination of calibration data (upon provision of the measuring data by a user);
c) provision of the GLONASS long-time data for support of assisting technologies:
- long-time almanac, lasting up to 90 days, included in the GLONASS DI;
- long-time up-to-date information, lasting up to 10 days, included in the GLONASS DI.
d) calculation of user's coordinates in PZ-90.02 (upon provision of information by the user).
e) sample programs (С- and Fortran-based), for both commercial and non-commercial use upon GLONASS data processing.
f) monitoring results of SGRF PZ-90.02 transfer by ephemerides:
- direct collation of the on-board ephemerides with a posteriori data of PZ-90.02;
- use of laser ranging data in stations coordinates;
- matrix of ephemerides conversion between GLONASS and GPS.
g) monitoring results of UTC (SU) scale transfer by the time field
- UTC (SU) position in relation to UTC;
- tauS;
- difference of the system time scales (STS) of GLONASS and GPS.
7. Real-time provision of the data of up-to-date monitoring of the GLONASS and GPS navigation fields.

8. Results of GLONASS and GPS DI monitoring by the methods accepted in GLONASS.

9. Results of SVOEVP / SHPDETC a posteriori data monitoring with the use of the laser ranging data.
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Group composition

Total satellites
In operation


Positioning accuracy, m


Correction to SV, s
